My School Life!
Nama : Dominique Sachi Shasaena
Kelas : XI IPS
SUB TITLE : My School Life!
Hello, everyone! I'm Sachi, a second-year student from Depok, West Java, Indonesia. In today's topic, I'd like to share my school life traditions in Indonesia when I was in junior high school. In Indonesia, every school year began in July. We routinely have had an orientation week at my school. The purpose of orientation week is to welcome 7th graders and introduce them to the school environment, procedures, and values. For 8th and 9th graders, we help 7th graders throughout orientation week and host an extracurricular demo day. Every extracurricular promotes and showcases their activity on extracurricular demo day. It can gain benefits such as increasing exposure, expanding relationships, and unlocking new resources. When I was in junior high school, I joined a theater club, and on extracurricular demo day, we performed a musical drama. In 2019, I played Sherina in a musical drama titled "Sherina's Adventure." It was an incredible experience and a huge success. I improved my acting skills, and many 7th-grade students are interested in our extracurricular activities. From September through January, Depok's high schools generally hold a series of events that begin with sports tournaments and end with a music festival. The events are accessible to the public. My school frequently participates in sports tournaments. As good school citizens, my friends and I would usually attend the events to show our support for our school. We often go to music festivals. The music festivals regularly invite well-known Indonesian artists as guest stars. It was an exciting and memorable experience. I'm looking forward to it, hoping that this pandemic will end soon. Every year in February, my school's art class produces an art performance and exhibition. When I was in 7th grade, I was in art class. I took part in the art performance by playing the violin. My major in art class was modern musical instruments. We performed a modern musical drama with the twists of traditional instruments and dances. It was a beautiful art performance and exhibition, and the local government rewarded us with several awards. For me, It was a precious opportunity and an unforgettable experience. That's all I've got for now. I still had a lot of school life traditions, but I'm curious about yours. Tell me about your school traditions in the comment section below. I'd be glad if we could be friends and share each other's experiences. Thank you!
Nama : Nisa Putri Anggraeni
Kelas : XII MIPA 2
Hi everyone! My name is Nisa Putri Anggraeni, and I am a senior at PGRI Depok Senior High School, West Java, Indonesia. How are you all doing today? I hope you all stay well and always follow the health protocols.
The Coronavirus pandemic is creating the inability to do our routine activity, especially at school. Since this pandemic started, we’ve been doing our school online. During online school, we do not make a lot of memorable memories. In this essay, I’m going to tell you about my school life experience before the pandemic.
My best memories from school were in my 10th-grade. It was the time when I enjoyed school a lot. It was mainly because I was able to meet my friends. My friends and I usually laughed, told each other stories, and studied together. Things have changed a lot because of this pandemic; some of us are busy with school, and it is also because we are in our senior year now. My favorite thing about offline school is graduation, seeing my seniors spend their last days in high school before heading to college, and the ceremony with all the choir and valedictorians. It was truly heartbreaking to wish them goodbye though also happy to see them thrive in their path. That moment will also happen to me soon.